accotron is a version control interface for accounting, to identify differences over time and provide valuable insights to bookkeepers and auditors of all kinds. You can read about my thoughts on version control and bookkeeping or principles of designing useful version control reports for bookkeepers.

I try to publish weekly devlogs which serve as a diary on the progress, but down below you can find more technical overviews of the certain major aspects of the tool, and the design process that goes behind it all.

  1. Journal timelines

    A minimap for your bookkeeping!

    2023-01-31 by Evrim Öztamur
  2. Diff-ing the journals

    The chain is stitched, but how do we communicate changes?

    2023-01-29 by Evrim Öztamur
  3. Re-stitching the chain

    How can you recreate a meaningful history from impartial data as a third-party integrator?

    2022-11-16 by Evrim Öztamur
  4. Sales tax comparison report

    Quickly assess the tax balance adjustments with this one crazy trick!

    2022-11-10 by Evrim Öztamur
  5. WIP: Thoughts on version control and bookkeeping

    Is it possible to bring software engineering practices to bookkeeping? Let's think out loud.

    2022-11-01 by Evrim Öztamur