1. accotron devlog for 2023W06

    Journal timelines and the SCTR facelift.

    2023-02-05 by Evrim Öztamur
  2. accotron devlog for 2023W05

    Getting serious about splitting the difference.

    2023-01-29 by Evrim Öztamur
  3. accotron devlog for 2023W02

    Ontology of a journal entry?

    2023-01-08 by Evrim Öztamur
  4. accotron devlog for 2022W49

    Bug hunts against journal annotations.

    2022-12-11 by Evrim Öztamur
  5. accotron devlog for 2022W48

    Archiving Xero resources and a 'chain report' with journal annotations.

    2022-12-04 by Evrim Öztamur
  6. accotron devlog for 2022W47

    Sessions, OAuth2, caching, moving away from SQLite to Postgres... Phew!

    2022-11-26 by Evrim Öztamur